Proyectos europeos del IE áenz de Buruaga
The centre is located in Mérida, the capital of Extremadura. It is located in an area with a low average economic background. The pupils present motivation problems due to their average social background. The school has 658 pupils and offers Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate. In the centre, it is also possible to study Medium Level Training Cycles in Electromechanical Maintenance and Auxiliary Nursing Care and Higher Level Training Cycles in Industrial Mechatronics, Prevention of Professional Risks and Clinical Analysis Laboratory. This application is addressed to the educational programmes of ESO and Bachillerato. We specifically intend to focus on the field of Compulsory Secondary Education as we understand that its application in this area means a higher degree of inclusiveness of the project. We also consider that internationalisation processes are more effective the earlier they are applied
The school’s pupils start from the age of 12 and as it runs Vocational Training programmes there is no age limit. This application will only be applied to a student body ranging from 12 to 18 years of age (ESO- Bachillerato). Geographically, our students come from two very different backgrounds: on the one hand, approximately 1/2 of them come from the urban environment, from an area on the outskirts of the city of Merida, and the other half come from rural areas in the outskirts of the city. Sociologically, 1/3 come from families with a medium income level while the remaining 2/3 come from families with low or very low income levels. It is worth noting the high percentage of pupils from broken homes and single-parent families, as well as a significant percentage of pupils from ethnic and cultural minorities and migrants.
School Education and VET work closely together in the different projects implemented in the school.
Our working environment presents a double organisation of collaborative work. The first is established organically through the didactic departments and its coordination through the Pedagogical Coordination Commission (CCP). The second is developed through the different projects in development, which report periodically to the CCP for coordination with the didactic departments. Each project has a Coordinating Committee made up of the project coordinator, a member of the management team who acts as a liaison with the Directorate and the teachers most directly involved in the project Given the importance of European projects for the school, an organisational chart designed to guarantee budgetary control and liaison with the management team as well as coordination with the different teaching departments and school projects has been implemented from the start. At the same time, we try to facilitate the maximum participation of the teaching staff in the project. Specifically, as all the school’s teaching departments are involved, our project has an organisational structure that is as operational as possible. The coordination of this project is the responsibility of a committee made up of the secretary, who manages the project funds and liaises with the management team, who must approve all the activities and proposals, as well as with the language departments, the coordinator of European projects, who liaises with the social science departments, and finally the second coordinator of European projects, who liaises with the science departments. This committee has a weekly basis and its main objective is to implement the development of the project in the short term as well as to carry out the evaluation. At the second level we have a project committee in which the project coordinators meet monthly with the management team to establish the greatest possible coordination and synergies between the different projects of the school. And at a third level we have the general coordination meetings with a minimum quarterly periodicity in which all the direct collaborators of the project meet in plenary to define the strategy, to specify the activities and to evaluate what has been done. At the same time, the organic structure of the centre is informed periodically with a minimum of monthly information to the CCP and a quarterly information to the School Council. Parallel to this formal organisation defined organically, an informal organisation is generated for the development of activities thanks to the Whatsap group and Gsuite through the domain The person in charge of the project is the coordinator who reports directly to the Headmaster, CCP and the School Council.