Circular economy and sustainable tourism: our democratic choice for the future Europe
Briefing of the project
The basic objectives of the project are explicit in their title, we want on the one hand to promote in our students a concept of citizenship based on responsibility for tourism as a means of individual improvement and to achieve a greater balance environmental and social. Secondly, we want to show our students that the choice of a sustainability-based development model is not only necessary but is a possible option sought from the European institutions and made from numerous experiences throughout EU. The project consists of 6 centres of different and contrasting geographical areas (south, central and northern Europe) and levels of socio-economic development.
The methodology of the project is based on the constant presence in the centres with campaigns related to the topics worked is the considered way to transform the consciences of our students, their families and the political and social environment of the associated centres. In relation to this methodology the project will include a whole series of materials developed aimed at implementing this constant presence with porter exhibitions, presentations, videos, educational digital material (surveys, tests, games…) . The methodology aims to develop the creativity and ability to organize activities in the participating students.
Our goal is that the project has an impact on all the students of the associated centers extending it to the families of the same by positively modifying their habits and creating a citizen consciousness in balance with the environment in everything in school environment in addition to as much as possible in the municipal administrations in aspects related to the project.
We understand that the benefits of the project must be manifested in the short term, during the execution of the project but we understand that it will be in the long term when the changes in the consciousness of our students will manifest themselves with greater intensity. We are aware that we are planting the seeds of citizens more responsible for the future of Europe.
IES Sáez de Buruaga, Mérida (Spain)
IIS G.A. Pischedda, Bosa-Sardinia (Italy)
Základní škola, Brno (Check Republic)
Kauno Šančių mokykla, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Zespół Placówek Oświatowych w Lipniku, , Wiśniowa (Poland)
Gymnasiesolan Vipan , Lund (Sweden)